However, thanks to smooth integration into Excel and the useful feed-back from XLSTAT when you do make an error, you can usually get to the solution you need very quickly. While there is an extensive help menu, sometimes the online explanations aren't sufficiently self-explanatory to understand, requiring trial-and-error. The statistical outputs are very smart and thorough (and customizable)-including complete tables, figures and tests of assumptions (e.g. The different statistical functions of XLSTAT also have an intuitive "Excel feel" to them, so no need to learn coding. Results of each statistical analysis appear neatly as separate worksheet-great for maintaining a record of all analyses (and variations) performed on a given dataset (i.e. All characteristics and functionality of Excel remain, which is helpful when working with annotated datasets (colors, figures, images). Simply select the columns you want to analyze-and away you go! I can run any statistical analysis in less than 5 minutes and return to my same dataset-with a new perspective. This makes it easy to work from existing Excel workbooks, without having to re-format and re-code data tables. XLSTAT provides all the common statistics analyses I need for my research and it works seamlessly-integrated into Excel-which is a huge plus. The cost is reasonable if you compare it with the time saved. I highly recommend it for students as well as more senior researchers. I have been able to run every common statistical analysis with this program. The results simply appear as a new worksheet, to which I can return at a later time, if need be.

In less than 5 minutes I can run all kinds of statistical analyses (and try out different approaches) to resolve a specific question, and then return to my raw data Excel spreadsheet without having to hop around between different applications. XLSTAT has been a "one-stop" statistical analysis tool for me, a real time-saver, improving my ability to explore complex datasets without hopping around different programs.

Versatile, easy-to-use, all-you-need statistics package Not suitable for processing a big dataset with 10 million rows such as high-resolution remote sensing images XLSTAT has all standard features and algorithms of machine learning software which can be operated by editing simple spreadsheets. Data preparation is the single tedious task which consumes most of the time in a data science project. XLSTAT can process even spatial data as raster to CSV converted files and enables to prepare the data just like in Excel. In short, XLSTAT is a workhorse for data scientists with a few simple mouse clicks and visualizing the response in every step as stunning graphics. This is where XLSTAT becomes the default platform for data science projects. In this situation, undergraduates who only have some basic operational knowledge about Excel spreadsheets are easily drawn into using a data science platform which runs on the already familiar Excel and transforms their data in spreadsheets into powerful and efficient models. This tutoring approach goes a long way in encouraging students towards a dissertation project involving data-driven modelling. This includes even spatial and time-series data. In the academic milieu, we regularly face the task of explaining students of how statistical models are built from a set of data and their specific applications accompanied by demonstrations in the classroom. With XLSTAT, the first one in the list alone is sufficient enough to successfully accomplish the goal the rest is taken care of by XLSTAT. Sampling, data preparation, exploratory data analysis to building prediction models with state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms generally encompasses a set of requirements: a clear objective, a software with all standard features and algorithms, intuition, technical guidance, and probably, also experience. XLSTAT can be best described as the software for data science from beginner to advanced levels that can be operated without the need of technical guidance.